Monday, June 14, 2010

7 Perkara ganjil

Terdapat seorang pemuda yang kerjanya menggali kubur dan mencuri kain kafan untuk dijual. Pada suatu hari, pemuda tersebut berjumpa dengan seorang ahli ibadah untuk menyatakan kekesalannya dan keinginan untuk bertaubat kepada Allah s.w.t. Dia berkata, "Sepanjang aku menggali kubur untuk mencuri kain kafan. Aku telah melihat 7 perkara ganjil yang menimpa mayat-mayat tersebut. Lantaran aku merasa sangat insaf atas perbuatanku yang sangat keji itu dan ingin sekali bertaubat."

Yang pertama. Aku lihat mayat yang pada siang harinya menghadap kiblat. Tetapi pabila aku menggali semula kuburnya pada waktu malam. Aku lihat wajahnya telahpun membelakangkan kiblat. Mengapa terjadi begitu, wahai tuan guru?" tanya pemuda itu.

Wahai anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang telah mensyirikkan Allah s.w.t. sewaktu hidupnya. Lantaran Allah s.w.t. menghinakan mereka dengan memalingkan wajah mereka dari mengadap kiblat, bagi membezakan mereka daripada golongan muslim yang lain," jawab ahli ibadah tersebut.

Sambung pemuda itu lagi, "Golongan yang kedua. Aku lihat wajah mereka sangat elok semasa mereka dimasukkan ke dalam liang lahad. Tatkala malam hari ketika aku menggali kubur mereka, ku lihat wajah mereka telahpun bertukar menjadi ****. Mengapa begitu halnya, wahai tuan guru?"

Jawab ahli ibadah tersebut, "Wahai anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang meremehkan dan meninggalkan solat sewaktu hidupnya. Sesungguhnya solat merupakan amalan yang pertama sekali dihisab. Jika sempurna solat, maka sempurnalah amalan-amalan kita yang lain,"

Pemuda itu menyambung lagi, "Wahai tuan guru, golongan yang ketiga yang aku lihat, pada waktu siang mayatnya kelihatan seperti biasa sahaja. Pabila aku menggali kuburnya pada waktu malam, ku lihat perutnya terlalu gelembung, keluar pula ulat yang terlalu banyak daripada perutnya itu."

"Mereka itulah golongan yang gemar memakan harta yang haram, wahai anak muda," balas ahli ibadah itu lagi.

Golongan keempat, ku lihat mayat yang jasadnya bertukar menjadi batu bulat yang hitam warnanya. Mengapa terjadi begitu, wahai tuan guru?"

Jawab ahli ibadah itu, "Wahai pemuda, itulah golongan manusia yang derhaka kepada kedua ibu bapanya sewaktu hayatnya. Sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t. sama sekali tidak redha kepada manusia yang menderhakai ibu bapanya."

Ku lihat ada pula mayat yang kukunya amat panjang, hingga membelit-belit seluruh tubuhnya dan keluar segala isi dari tubuh badannya," sambung pemuda itu.

Anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang gemar memutuskan silaturrahim. Semasa hidupnya mereka suka memulakan pertengkaran dan tidak bertegur sapa lebih daripada 3 hari. Bukankah Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bersabda, bahawa sesiapa yang tidak bertegur sapa melebihi 3 hari bukanlah termasuk dalam golongan umat baginda," jelas ahli ibadah tersebut.

Wahai guru, golongan yang keenam yang aku lihat, sewaktu siangnya lahadnya kering kontang. Tatkala malam ketika aku menggali semula kubur itu, ku lihat mayat tersebut terapung dan lahadnya dipenuhi air hitam yang amat busuk baunya,"

Wahai pemuda, itulah golongan yang memakan harta riba sewaktu hayatnya," jawab ahli ibadah tadi.

Wahai guru, golongan yang terakhir yang aku lihat, mayatnya sentiasa tersenyum dan berseri-seri pula wajahnya. Mengapa demikian halnya wahai tuan guru?" tanya pemuda itu lagi.

Jawab ahli ibadah tersebut, "Wahai pemuda, mereka itulah golongan manusia yang berilmu. Dan mereka beramal pula dengan ilmunya sewaktu hayat mereka. Inilah golongan yang beroleh keredhaan dan kemuliaan di sisi Allah s.w.t. baik sewaktu hayatnya mahupun sesudah matinya."

Ingatlah, sesungguhnya daripada Allah s.w.t kita datang dan kepadaNya jualah kita akan kembali. Kita akan dipertanggungjawabkan atas setiap amal yang kita lakukan, hatta amalan sebesar zarah.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Suami Mithali

Sempena hari ibu 2 3 hari lepas, apa kata kita tinjau juga suami-suami yang mithali ini. Gambar-gambar di bawah menunjukkan betapa penyayangnya suami tersebut. Namun kami di alkisah agak keliru untuk kategorikan suami ni suami mithali atau suami yang dikesali..layan je la..
baguskan..isteri dibiarkan kesejukan, basikal didakap penuh rasa sayang....

dah le gemuk, rilek semacam jer..isteri berpeluh mendayung

SAYANG GLER!!ah wah wah..berlengang je kau yer..sambil minum plak tu..bagus2..
 yang ni over penyayang.

Alkisah Ayat Al-Quran Pada Bayi

MOSCOW - Pakar-pakar perubatan di Rusia bingung berikutan penemuan ayat-ayat suci al-Quran dan Arab pada kulit seorang bayi berusia sembilan bulan di Dagestan, Rusia, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.

Ayat-ayat itu muncul pada belakang, tangan, kaki dan perut Ali Yakubov pada setiap malam Isnin dan Jumaat sebelum hilang tetapi diganti dengan beberapa ayat al-Quran baru dua kali seminggu.
Pakar-pakar perubatan Rusia menyatakan, mereka tidak tahu bagaimana fenomena itu boleh berlaku selepas perkataan Allah mula muncul pada dagu bayi tersebut ketika dia berusia beberapa minggu.

Namun, ketika mengulas mengenainya, pakar-pakar perubatan dan keluarga bayi itu mengaku bahawa ayat-ayat suci itu menjelma sendiri pada badan Ali dan bukan ditulis oleh manusia.
“Ali akan berasa kurang sihat manakala suhu badannya meningkat kepada 40 darjah Celsius setiap kali ia berlaku menyebabkan dia menangis,” kata ibunya Madina Yagubova.
Kini, tempat Ali dilahirkan iaitu di Kampung Red Oktober, Dagestan menjadi tumpuan orang ramai yang mahu melihat keanehan itu.
Paparan mengenai kejadian aneh di Dagestan , wilayah selatan Rusia yang menjadi sasaran pertempuran antara tentera Rusia dengan pejuang-pejuang Islam itu turut dipaparkan di laman perkongsian video YouTube.
“Ali merupakan tanda kebesaran Tuhan. Kelahirannya di Dagestan bagi menyedarkan penduduknya supaya bersatu,” kata seorang ahli parlimen di wilayah itu, Akhmedpasha Amiralaev. - Agensi

crazee hair

Sebenarnya bukan rambut tu yang gila, tapi pemiliknya yang agak gila-gila. nak gila-gila pun agak-agak ler..apa-apa pun memang creative.
Kalau anda rasa nak join mereka, try lah cuba fesyen-fesyen macam ni. Jika anda ditampar bapa anda sepam atau dimaki di khalayak ramai kami tak jamin. lagipun muda-mudi kita pun dah berani buat fesyen macam ni, bukan ke melayu kita mudah terpengaruh dengan budaya yang tak tentu hala begini?


Color clearly has many definitions. Color is able to reveal personal character person.
If you want to know the personal nature of your friends, love com dik, you only need to know the favorite color only. 
RED-your friend has a rough character. But he also has a cheerful personality and glamor. 
BLUE-Si he is a gentle and romantic. Easy pardon others. 
BLACK-The black one is loving and good save but weak in secret promises. Although he's the kind of loving it. 
WHITE-person is quiet and reliable. 
GREEN-Si: He was like an art. Appetite is high, but you must remember the strength he was jealous. Clever, you pandailah arrangement. 

YELLOW-dik .... Here's her secret is not very strong hold. Si he enjoys daydreaming. But do not worry. Si he still menyayangimu. What can be proud of, her having a good attitude, and courteous to everyone only. 
Purple-Oh ....... If luck is you have a friend who loves the color purple. They always feel proud of yourself and the fun does not agree with the opinions of others. But he has the determination to achieve a higher desired. 

Secrets of Style Personality Through Holidays

Intelligent control of emotions, that's an accurate picture of the personalities of individuals who prefer a trip to these destinations. In addition, individuals who belong to this category also has a relatively sensitive soul, so it is not surprising if people are quite sensitive and easily offended flavor.

Gentle and friendly character often makes people around easily fall in love with this person. Not surprising if they have many fans. However, individuals who have these characteristics is wise choose life partner and always be careful in making a decision. If already bound by love, honesty and sincerity, this person should not doubt the pair.
Large cities 

Perception of other people. Holiday in big cities may be preferred by some individuals. It is said that the passage of large cities are able to provide a satisfaction rather exclusive. Of course the big cities have such a well-serbi satisfactory facilities and thus facilitate the individual vacation trips.
Beauty and tranquility of the island will be the selection of individuals who love peace. Although forced to provide a substantial sum of money to realize that quite a lot this holiday, it does not matter! What is certain, pleasure and peace will be available soon!

Individuals who prefer a vacation in the big cities are said to be self-confident nature memilliki and they belong to the category of individuals who are optimistic. Sometimes a bit hard-headed and sometimes difficult to accept the views and opinions of others. In addition to the financial question should be taken seriously because they are too easy to withdraw money for things that are not beneficial, short people are a bit extravagant!.

Love is not the main agenda in the lives of individuals who belong to this category. They are not serious when discussing topics related to love. Afraid of commitment to this. However, individuals in sekelingnya also need to be careful because they are said to belong to this category like to exchange partners.

Usually such a choice destination for young kanak.tapi but nevertheless, some goilongan adults who prefer a vacation to the theme parks. Fun and excitement are searched so willing to spend the day with playing as a walk in the park destination of their choice.
Often people who fall in this category have many friends. They prefer to spend time outside with friends. Easy to get along attitude made them a very pleasant individual. Attitude rather keanak-anakan also be factors why many people prefer to engage individuals who belong to this category.
The main points of the historic city is looking for inspiration for their patriotic soul. No wonder there are willing to shed any tears when reminded of the sacrifices of the ancients fighters defending our beloved country. For example Melaka, I think you will be impressed with pengorbana invested. Without the sacrifices of those before us would not be able to enjoy life as it is today.
Individuals who prefer to leave historical sites generally have a life and a sense of the abstract. Difficulties in interpret and dimengertikan. In terms of appearance, they prefer wearing short pants and sempoi eg large, big shirt, big bag and bersandal thin. They are exactly the street artists who prefer a simple life.
His attitude is quite strict and serious sometimes make their love can not be viewed as credible. And this is a concern if their partners are not able to understand and identify more closely who is their true self. Typically, they are actually like even though sometimes they are too pampered sukaruntuk Showing love to a partner.
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See attitude rather keanak-anakan, sometimes making their partner a bit bored. They are difficult to be serious when required to discuss a matter. However, the spouse should be thankful that people who belong in this category, said a strong and willing to sacrifice, especially for the spouse happiness.
TOWN / CITY historic

Climbing the mountain, and menhabiskan berekspedisi kawasa time when the forest is most beautiful to those who are interested denga adventure. In fact, the chance to party with friends menhabiskan weekend in the mountains was the most sweet of them. A high value of satisfaction if the dream to conquer the summit of the main target successfully. Kisahlah should not have to produce a lot of money just want to join an expedition, as long as the heart of satisfied and happy.
Often, these individuals do not like to spend time at the shopping mall or a cafe to chat in class with friends. In their opinion, this attitude does not only cause damage and make any meaning in their lives. Individuals who prefer outdoor activities such as this is an open-minded. Robust and independent. Not surprising if they are wise to adapt to any situation. They certainly are not a boring person.
Individuals choosing this type of couple who could live independently without depending on anyone. In fact, most of the time they spent doing outdoor activities with friends who have similar interests with them. Usually they are of this type is not a fanatic to love or too spoiled. They love the love that is based on the principle of 'there are times we as lovers, and sometimes we as ordinary friends. For those who do not understand this principle, and are easy terhiris and injured liver. Not surprising if such individuals are more easily established in love with the friends they already know

Meaning Gifts

CLOCK HANDS ... ... ... 
Sign of remembrance of every age and time

Ring ... ... ... .... 
Sign of the eternal bonds of love.
Ring ... ... ... .... 
Mark friendly
CHAIN neck ... .... 
Bond of love that need attention.
SUBANG ... ... ... .... 
Sign of appreciation and respect.
Footwear ... ... ... ... .. 
Always caring / concerned.
CLOTHING / cloth ... .... 
May you always remain close.
Umbrella ... ... ... .... 
Love and always want to protect.
Perfume ... .... 
Sign of love
IMAGES frame ... .. 
Always lush and do not wish away.
BOOKS ... ... ... ... ... 
Be open and tolerant.
INTEREST ... ... ... ... ... 
Introduction sign and sign of affection
CHOCOLATE ... ... .. 
As sweet as your love.
Immortalize love
SEJADAH and the Qur'an ... ... ... 
Sign that his girlfriend loved the world and the hereafter.